- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Sitting in the Dungeon
Rain stays by the lonesome window, the only thing that allowed xem and Estelle to see the outside world. The cell is stuffy, and constantly being watched by a guard got old after a very short while. But Rain and Estelle had no choice; They had broken the law and this was their punishment.
Estelle sat on the floor, her bare feet numb against the cold stone. The rest of her body was covered by her fur-lined tunics, dyed with vibrant yellow and green. Rain, being only a commoner, wore a far less vibrantly colored tunic, which didn't protect xyr arms or legs whatsoever. How the guard kept warm in such a freezing cold room, Estelle didn't know. Her cheeks and her nose stung from the cold, causing her nose to run. She brought her hands to her mouth to breathe on them, in an attempt to keep them from becoming numb like her feet.
"Are you alright?" Rain asked, keeping xyr voice quiet as to not disturb the guard.
Estelle shook her head, tucking her hands under her armpits, "I'm really cold."
"I think I'm pretty used to the cold," Rain said.
Xyr time in the hills had gotten xem far more used to the cold than Estelle, who hardly ever left the castle. She wondered where her brother was - whether or not he was okay. There was no way he'd be able to function well without Estelle, so Estelle wondered if he'd made any progress at all.
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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