- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Relaxing Among the Stars
You're relaxed, enjoying the view, drink in hand. You could be anywhere right now; the ring circling Venus, a dome on Europa, a legacy ship heading to Proxima Centauri B, a cruise carrier on a round trip through the Sol System. Anywhere at all.
You look out the window (alright, a screen, but it looks just like a window) and see the thousands of stars on the other side. You focus on a distant constellation and marvel at what others thought they were long ago. You imagine how many people are relaxing just like you are.
Like you and the people in the food court behind you. All bustle and talking, the sounds of conversation the only break to the bass drone of the massive ship, the random digital confirmations, the incredible machinery running under your feet.
The feet propped up on the 'window' sill.
You relax further and take a sip of your drink. Whether you're where you want to be or on your way there, you're going to enjoy the trip.
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License details for "Relaxing Among the Stars"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- lower_engine by *)
- Confirmation Beep by http://www.freesound.org/people/AMPUL +)
- Processing Computer by http://www.freesound.org/people/h.quinius +)
- Bass Pump with Delays by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- deepbeepreverb by oceanictrancer from freesound.org +)
- Huge slow metal fan by SoundDogs +)
- Resonating Shield by Torgjer +)
- Crowd talking and chatting by Unknown Author +)
*) Soundsnap.com license