- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Miley Tunnel
Deep into the dark void you walk, footsteps echoing as the sound bounces off the tunnel walls. The darkness swells and closes in around you, swallowing you up. Too bad your torch batteries ran out, now you can't see a thing. You freeze as something cold taps you on your head, reaching up to feel it's just a splash of water dripping from above. You breathe a sigh of relief and begin walking again.
Wait, is that a voice you hear? Perhaps someone has followed you down? You don't stop to find out, besides it's probably just a rat or a pigeon shuffling around in the darkness.
The air in the tunnel is bone chillingly cold and the damp clings to your flesh. You stumble frequently, without a light it's impossible to see the metal tracks and the pot holes in the ground.
Splooosh! You're foot lands right into a deep puddle and the shock of the icy water causes you to drop your useless torch. You should probably pick it up. Reaching down you blindly feel around, hoping there are no needles or broken glass down here. It probably landed in that puddle. Taking in a deep breath and rolling up your sleeve, you plunge your hand into the water.... It's deep..... it's really deep! The water rises up past your elbow and still you can not feel the bottom. You're blood runs cold and a shiver tingles it's way down your spine, immediately you pull away from the puddle and stand up. The torch can be replaced, you tell yourself, coming down here was a mistake. Now you just want to get out!
The eerie stillness of the tunnel ebbs in your thoughts, Anything could be lurking down here, thieves, murderers... ghosts...
Suddenly the silence is shattered by a piercing whistle, it rings in your ears and for a brief moment you stand dumbfounded in the middle of the tracks. No, it can't be.... a train?
Your heart races and you break into a cold sweat as you fumble around the walls looking for a safe place to hide. The noise is getting closer, like the huffing breath of a ghastly demon, crawling closer and closer. You must get out, NOW!!
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License details for "Miley Tunnel"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Rumble by By Pushtobreak - www.freesound.org +)
- Whispers in the dark by Crpdeth from http://freesound.org +)
- Sewer Rat by Edited version by Fox Forrester and original file by zabuhailo from http://freesound.org +)
- Steam train with whistle by Free File +)
- Rocky footsteps by Freesound.ord +)
- bat wings flapping by Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- debris by Soundsnap.com *)
- water dripping var.2 reverb by soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license