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Driving in the Rain
Middle of nowhere. Oregon, maybe. Or Maine. Somewhere with pine trees and fog, dense forest on either side, deep grey sky over the all encompassing darkness. A solid darkness that makes your car seem all the safer. All the cozier. The car is old, but warm, her tires soft on the wet road shining under the bright headlights that splash out in front of you. You're not driving to get somewhere, you're driving to enjoy the storm. The solitude. The peace.
Or maybe you're just along for the ride.
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License details for "Driving in the Rain"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Rain on a Window by InspectorJ +)
- Elaborate Thunder by Mike koening +)
- Inside Fast Car by mitchellsounds from +)
- Turn Signal (Blinker) by morgantj from +)
- Old Ventilator by ofabra from +)
- Rainstorm by thedapperdan from +)
- Rain on cement driveway by uberhuberman from +)
- Rain on a tin roof by Virtual Sound Company +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
Image from: spazbot29